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The BEAST Planner

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Hello Success-Chaser...

Are you currently wandering aimlessly through life, accepting your 9-5 and looking for an escape?

Or are you just looking for sharpening your focus to finally reach your personal next level? 

Now let me guess what you have done until now: 

  • You've read several self-help books
  • You've heard countless minutes of podcasts
  • You've spent many hours reading some of the best articles
  • ....not to mention all the online courses you've bought but never finished

Or are you just trapped by the illusion to have improved just by reading all these self-help books? 

Would you consider yourself as...

  • totally confident in yourself and your skills?
  • financially free?
  • mentally tough

It will accelerate your success by teaching how to execute instead of just thinking about it.

Example images from the BEAST Planner

Start writing your success story now.


1. Envision your new life

Define your vision and your goals for the month. 
That will encourage you to start every morning motivated and excited to build your future.


2. Improve daily

To make success a habit of yours, you have to track it.
If it's really something you want to solidify in your life, it's worth working for every day.


3. Master yourself

Identify your wins and losses.
Be proud of every win and grow through your defeats.


4. Climb the ladder of success - step by step

Take your time to plan and prioritize your tasks.
Try to focus on the little steps towards your goals. 

Now as a free bonus with every purchase of the complete version: 

The BEAST Planner - "Notion Edition"

So there are two options now: 

Either you wait for all the suggestions from all the other books to finally improve your life OR you take the initiative and act now! 


When you purchase the digital BEAST planner, you will receive PDF files that you can use as templates in your note app of choice. "The Complete Version" contains 158 pages with pre-designed pages for the complete year of 2021. "The Overviews" contains a blank template of the yearly, monthly and weekly overviews as a sample template.

Unfortunately, we cannot say exactly at this time. We are currently still in the planning stages with our printing house. However, we hope that the printed BEAST planner will be released as early as in the coming weeks.

Since the printed BEAST Planner represents a separate edition, it is not included in the scope of the digital version. If you want to use the printed version in addition to the digital version, you have to order it separately.

Yes, the BEAST Planner is also available in German. You can also find the German version here on Gumroad. In the future we would like to offer the BEAST Planner in other languages as well.

Further questions?

Then feel free to send us a message on Instagram (@mindbeastacademy_official)

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The BEAST Planner

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